Month One: Nutrition, Week One: Cut out the Junk and eat more fresh foods!

Hi everyone! We hope you are doing well and working on those New Year’s Resolutions! Stay strong, you can do this! New Year, New You! Something that we have decided to do this year is to create new and different things for all of us to focus on each month. Like one month is going to be about de-cluttering your life and another is all about skin care and taking care of yourself. Well, this month we have chose Nutrition for our goal. So we are working on overall better nutrition and have split the month into four weeks with four sub categories for each week. This week is:


Cut out the Junk and eat more fresh foods! We are also working on drinking more water than anything else. Which seems to be really improving things as well. We are working on keeping track of our nutrition, but are not on a huge diet or new plan because we need to gradually apply new things to our daily regime in order to be able to change it for good. It is said that it takes two weeks of doing the same thing to form a habit and that is what we are working on now.

We are almost done with the first week of the month of January already and things are going well in our household. We are eating much healthier, counting calories and fat (for me) or doing Keto (for Laura), eating more fresh foods, and have cut out all the junk food (well, most of it!). We have also joined a gym and have already been a few times and gotten great workouts in while Winter works on her New Year’s resolution of branching out and becoming more social with other kids at the gym’s Kid Club. She actually loves it and seems to be doing great! (YAY!) That was something I was really concerned about, but she is doing a great job and I couldn’t be happier. :) It’s nice for her to be in a new environment where she can make friends and I can go off and do my own thing for a bit.

I am also working on trying to do a few more things for me like I have been taking care of me a bit more. I have stopped some bad habits (or am trying to) like falling asleep with the t.v. on and instead am using this melodies app that you can set a timer for that does these great sounds like rain on a rooftop. We have been waking up at a more normal time and getting started on our day sooner, we have been working out in the gym (I am so sore! but it’s a good sore!), and I am drinking a great protein smoothie afterwards, I have also started taking better care of my physical appearance. We did a nice face mask the other day, I created a homemade sore muscle rub that seems to work pretty well when you massage it in. (Recipe down below-super simple and easy!) I have been using more lotion for my face and body, taking vitamins, doing some hair treatments, taking better care of my teeth-it’s all great stuff and we will actually have a month all about these kinds of things later too.

We will be starting week 2 soon and this one will be all about eating more Vegetables. I personally love vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, peppers, squash, beets-give me a nice bowl of roasted veggies and some couscous or rice and I am happy! Out mom does not love veggies as much as I do and not the same kinds as me so for dinner, we tend to eat more regular veggies like potatoes, carrots, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower so for week 2 we will be trying new veggies and recipes that are healthier and not full of all carbs like those veggies tend to be. We will be branching out with fun new recipes and trying out new things so be ready for some recipes coming at you later.

Hopefully all of your resolutions are going well and you are working hard at them. Stay with it! Remember that it takes 2 full weeks to form a new habit! You can do this- New Year, New You!

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