New Year, New You!

Happy New Year!

We hope that you and yours had a wonderful, safe holiday and are now ready to move on from the holidays (and 2018) and look forward to the new year of 2019! It is time to put the past where it belongs (in the past) and start fresh and anew for the new year!

A life without love is like a year without summer. (1).png

I don’t know what resolutions you made last night, maybe the same ones as you always do, maybe something new and different, but unfortunately, you may always have a difficult time fulfilling those resolutions (just like me! :) ). Well, I am here to tell you today that you can’t give up! I told you in my new year’s eve blog that almost 40 percent of people give up on their brand new new year’s resolutions in the first week and that 75 percent of people give up by February (75 %!!!!) I am normally one of them for sure, especially for weight loss and becoming a better me, but we have to move past that and remember why we are doing this.

I am wanting to become a healthier me and lose a significant amount of weight for my own sake as I am getting older. I turned 30 last year and it has hit me hard all of the things I never accomplished and how unhappy I am with myself when I look in the mirror. It is not just the weight that is an issue either. I have lost weight before but then always gain it back and end up feeling horrible. I am also noticing a significant amount of lines and wrinkles already, (especially around the eyes!!) I also do not feel that great most of the time and have a hard time keeping up with my daughter Winter most days. She is the light of my life and the real reason to change and become a new me. Win is absolutely full of energy most days and wants to run and play, but I just don’t have the energy some days. It is time to change that. New Year, New Me. If I can do it, so can you!

New Year, New You! Let’s do this people, start those resolutions and keep them up and achieve your goals-you are the master of your own destiny and it is time for you to take command! You can do this!

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