Monday Motivation (5).png

What a week! I hope everyone had an amazing Thanksgiving filled with too much food and just enough family like we did! This is the fourth week of my Monday Motivation posts. If you missed week 3 you can catch up here.


I had a a great Thanksgiving week. Chris, Ana and the boys came and stayed with us for a few days. And although I had many many an opportunity to eat like a hungry monster, I didn’t do too bad. I had a couple snacks here and there that I shouldn’t have, but otherwise stuck to it.

Tracking - I have been doing really well with this and I think it’s what I owe my somewhat eating success last week. If it hadn’t been for having to type in everything I had eaten I think I would have just eaten everything. I’ll continue to do this as it helps with my meal planning to stay on keto.

Exercise - I did two of my planned five workouts last week. I have no excuse other than that I just didn’t want to. I find it’s really easy to just decide not to exercise. I need to find a partner for this. I need someone that I can’t just cancel on. I have been looking around for classes and groups in the area, but haven’t really found anything yet.


Get outside! - When I was living in Colorado most of my exercise came from the outdoors. Mainly biking and hiking. When I first moved here to California I also got out and explored the hills in the area. My main goal this week it to get outside. There is a beginner downhill biking class that i am going to take and other than that I’d like to do more exploring. Time to get the playlist ready!

This is going to be my main goal this week. I am doing well with the food side of this weight loss journey. I now what to focus on the exercise.

If you have any great workouts you’ve been doing, share them!

- Laura Herrmann